Bodrum е град и курорт на югозападния бряг на Турция, известен със своята бяла архитектура, пристанище за яхти и исторически забележителности. Bodrum е бил древният град Халикарнас, където се намира едно от Седемте чудеса на света - Мавзолеят на Халикарнас. Днес Bodrum привлича много туристи със своите плажове, ресторанти, барове и музеи. Bodrum е идеално място за почивка, развлечение и културно изживяване. 


Bodrum is a city and resort on the southwest coast of Turkey, known for its white architecture, yacht harbor and historical attractions. Bodrum was the ancient city of Halicarnassus, where one of the Seven Wonders of the World - the Mausoleum of Halicarnassus - was located. Today Bodrum attracts many tourists with its beaches, restaurants, bars and museums. Bodrum is an ideal place for vacation, entertainment and cultural experience.




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{{getShortNameByIndexAndRoute($index,1)}} {{getShortNameByIndexAndRoute($index,2)}} {{getCheckInByIndex($index) | firmDate}}
{{priceSearchCriteria.departureLocations[0].name}} {{GetLocalname(priceSearchCriteria.arrivalLocations[0].name.toUpperCase().replace("-", " "))}}, Check In {{getDateWithoutTimeZone(checkIn)}} , Check Out {{getDateWithoutTimeZone(checkOut)}} {{priceSearchCriteria.night}} {{priceSearchCriteria.night <= 1 ? "Night" : "Nights"}} {{}} Adult {{priceSearchCriteria.childAges.length}} Child {{adultCount}} Adult {{childCount}} Child {{infantCount}} Infant {{findDirectionText(priceSearchCriteria.direction)}}
Passengers {{adultCount}} Adult {{childCount}} Child {{infantCount}} Infant
YOU HAVE {{compareHotelList.length}} HOTEL IN YOUR COMPARE LIST
Megalo Travel
Megalo Travel
{{GetDiscountRate(hotel.offers[0])}} Special Discount
{{getDateWithoutTimeZone(hotel.offers[0].checkIn)}} - {{hotel.offers[0].night}} NightNights
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  • {{}}
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