holiday-icon.png HOLIDAY IN FETHIYE SUMMER 2025

Early Bookings 2025: Secure Your Place and Discounts for Your Fethiye Summer Holiday - Discounts Up to 40%


Фетие: Където Тюркоазените Води Срещат Древната История – Незабравимо Ваканционно Изживяване

Фетие, разположен на зашеметяващата Тюркоазена крайбрежна ивица на Турция, е град, който омагьосва със своята природна красота, богата история и оживена атмосфера. Приветствайки пътешественици от цял свят, тази уникална дестинация предлага почивка, където слънцето, морето и историята се преплитат безпроблемно. Независимо дали търсите приключения или релаксация, Фетие има по нещо за всеки. В тази статия ще се задълбочим в уникалните преживявания, които Фетие предлага, местата, които трябва да посетите, и какво трябва да знаете, когато планирате пътуването си.

Природните Красоти на Фетие:

• Великолепни Плажове: Фетие е известен със своите спиращи дъха плажове, включително световноизвестния Йолюдениз (Синята лагуна), с неговите кристално чисти тюркоазени води и бели пясъци, идеални за слънчеви бани, плуване и водни спортове.
• Планината Бабадаг: Планината Бабадаг предлага възможности за парапланеризъм над Йолюдениз и зашеметяващи гледки за любителите на пешеходния туризъм и природата.
• Скрити Заливи и Заливчета: Разгледайте уединени заливи и заливчета по крайбрежието, достъпни с лодка, идеални за плуване и наслаждаване на спокойствие.
• Долината на Пеперудите: Посетете завладяващата Долина на пеперудите, дом на голямо разнообразие от видове пеперуди и красив уединен плаж.
• Каньонът Саклъкент: Насладете се на невероятния каньон Саклъкент, природно чудо, където можете да се разхождате, плувате и изследвате зашеметяващия каньон.

Историческо и Културно Наследство:

• Ликийски Скални Гробници: Издълбани в скалите с изглед към града, тези древни ликийски скални гробници предлагат поглед към богатата история на региона и предоставят уникална визуална гледка.
• Древен Театър Телмесос: Разгледайте останките от древния театър Телмесос, историческа забележителност, която разказва истории за миналото на града.
• Музей на Фетие: Открийте археологически артефакти и исторически колекции, които отразяват културното наследство на региона.
• Призрачното Село Каякой: Посетете интригуващото призрачно село Каякой, някога процъфтяващо гръцко селище, което сега е запазено като призрачен град.
• Скалната Гробница Аминтас: Вижте впечатляващата скална гробница Аминтас, една от най-големите и най-красиво издълбани ликийски гробници, която трябва да се види от любителите на историята.

Дейности във Фетие:

• Парапланеризъм Над Йолюдениз: Насладете се на тръпката от парапланеризма от планината Бабадаг, издигайки се над зашеметяващата Синя лагуна.
• Разходки с Лодка: Присъединете се към разходки с лодка, за да разгледате крайбрежието, да посетите скрити заливи, острови и уединени плажове, наслаждавайки се на плуване и гмуркане с шнорхел.
• Гмуркане и Шнорхелинг: Открийте подводния свят с различни възможности за гмуркане и шнорхелинг по крайбрежието.
• Пешеходен Туризъм и Разходки сред Природата: Изследвайте зашеметяващите планински пътеки и национални паркове около Фетие.
• Водни Спортове: Насладете се на различни водни спортове като уиндсърфинг, падълборд, джет ски и каяк.
• Пазаруване и Пазари: Разгледайте местни пазари и магазини за традиционни занаяти, подправки, сувенири и местни продукти.
• Турска Кухня: Насладете се на местни деликатеси, включително прясна морска храна, традиционни турски мезета и регионални специалитети.

Настаняване във Фетие:

Фетие предлага различни възможности за настаняване, подходящи за всички бюджети и предпочитания. Можете да избирате между луксозни курорти, бутикови хотели, къщи за гости и апартаменти под наем. Хотелите и курортите в и около Йолюдениз и плажа Чалиш предлагат различни опции, от основни до луксозни.

Транспорт до Фетие:

Фетие е лесно достъпен по въздух, суша и море. Летище Даламан осигурява директни полети както от вътрешни, така и от международни дестинации. От летището можете да стигнете до Фетие с автобус, такси или частни трансферни услуги. Градският транспорт се осигурява чрез автобуси, таксита и долмуши (маршрутни таксита). Предлагат се и опции за наемане на автомобил.
Фетие е повече от просто курорт; това е начин на живот. Със своята природна красота, исторически съкровища, изпълнени със забавления дейности и вкусна кухня, Фетие предлага на посетителите си незабравимо изживяване. Независимо дали пътувате със семейството, приятели или сами, винаги ще намерите какво да правите и какво да видите във Фетие. Не чакайте повече, за да откриете този рай!


Your Fethiye Dream Awaits: Fly or Drive into Paradise!

Picture yourself basking in the Mediterranean sun, exploring pristine beaches, and immersing yourself in the vibrant culture of Fethiye. This is your invitation to swap the everyday for an unforgettable escape to one of Turkey's most enchanting destinations. Whether you envision a seamless flight to paradise or an open-road adventure with your own transport, Fethiye is ready to captivate you. This isn't just a vacation; it's a personalized journey crafted to your desires.

For those seeking convenience and ease, our flight packages from Sofia to Fethiye offer the perfect start to your holiday. Imagine landing in this coastal haven, ready to explore the bustling harbor, savor delicious Turkish cuisine, and unwind by the crystal-clear waters. We offer a range of flight options tailored to various budgets and schedules, ensuring a smooth and hassle-free beginning to your Fethiye experience.

But if you crave the freedom of the open road, our own transport options provide the flexibility to explore Fethiye at your own pace. With your own car, you can venture beyond the typical tourist routes, discovering hidden coves, charming villages, and scenic viewpoints as you please. This approach allows you to craft a truly personalized adventure, making spontaneous stops and immersing yourself in the authentic beauty of the region.

No matter what your preference, Fethiye offers something for every traveler. From exhilarating water sports to tranquil boat trips, from historical sites to bustling markets, the possibilities are endless. Why wait any longer? Browse our selection of flight packages from Sofia and explore our self-drive options to plan your dream getaway. Click below to discover fantastic offers and book your Fethiye adventure today. Don't miss out – your paradise is just a click away!



Payment Terms

Payment Terms
💰 30% deposit for a new reservation
📅 Flexible cancellation terms
💳 Remaining amount to be paid 22 days prior to departure


Flights from Sofia

  • ✈️ Friday 23.05 - 04.07
  • ✈️ Friday 22.08 - 10.10


First day: Charter flight from Sofia Airport to Antalya Airport. Transfer to the selected hotel. Check-in after 14:00 p.m.

Second to seventh day: Free time. Additional excursions on request, for a fee on the spot. Overnight stay.

  • Last day: Breakfast. Check-out. Transfer to Antalya Airport. Charter flight to Sofia.

 Flight Schedule 



🛫 Sofia (SOF) 09:40 → Dalaman (DLM) 11:20

🛬 Dalaman (DLM) 06:50 → Sofia (SOF) 08:40


🛫 Sofia (SOF) 09:40 → Dalaman (DLM) 11:20

🛬 Dalaman (DLM) 06:50 → Sofia (SOF) 08:40

*A change in the flight schedule by the airline is possible.

 Airport-Hotel-Airport Group Transfer Information   

Airport-Hotel-Airport Group Transfer Information

🚌 Fethiye Region

About 1 hours in one direction

 Travel Package Informatio<span class="fr-marker" data-id="0" data-type="true" style="display: none; line-height: 0;"></span><span class="fr-marker" data-id="0" data-type="false" style="display: none; line-height: 0;"></span<span class="fr-marker" data-id="0" data-type="true" style="display: none; line-height: 0;"></span><span class="fr-marker" data-id="0" data-type="false" style="display: none; line-height: 0;"></span<span class="fr-marker" data-id="0" data-type="true" style="display: none; line-height: 0;"></span><span class="fr-marker" data-id="0" data-type="false" style="display: none; line-height: 0;"></span<span class="fr-marker" data-id="0" data-type="true" style="display: none; line-height: 0;"></span><span class="fr-marker" data-id="0" data-type="false" style="display: none; line-height: 0;"></span<span class="fr-marker" data-id="0" data-type="true" style="display: none; line-height: 0;"></span><span class="fr-marker" data-id="0" data-type="false" style="display: none; line-height: 0;"></span<span class="fr-marker" data-id="0" data-type="true" style="display: none; line-height: 0;"></span><span class="fr-marker" data-id="0" data-type="false" style="display: none; line-height: 0;"></span>   

The Package Price Includes:

  • Charter flight in the direction Sofia - Dalaman - Sofia
  • Two-way transfer between the airport in Dalaman and the selected hotel
  • 7 nights in a hotel of your choice on the appropriate meal basis
  • Checked baggage 20 kg and hand baggage 7 kg
  • On-site service in Turkey by the Turkish partner tour operator
  • Airport taxes in the amount of EUR 79 per person
  • Medical insurance "Assistance when traveling abroad" in ZAD "Lev Ins" with coverage up to 10,000 euros per insured person, valid only for persons under 70 years of age

The Package Price Does Not Include:

  • Expenses of a personal nature
  • Additional excursions
  • Any fuel surcharge that may be charged by the airline up to 20 days prior to the flight date
  • Supplement for medical insurance for persons from 70 to 79 years of age
  • "Travel cancellation" insurance, concluded at the client's request on the day of signing the contract or within the period specified by the insurer

Conditions for Early Registration:

  • The announced prices include a discount for early booking and are valid upon booking and payment until the date announced for each hotel or until canceled by the hotel
  • For bookings with Early Booking discounts, in case of travel cancellation and inability to change the travel date, the User loses 100% of the deposited amount
  • For any change regarding the reservation (period, hotel, means of transport or traveler's name), after the initial registration, a service fee of BGN 50 is deducted
  • It does not apply to changing all names in a room, which the hotel accepts as a new reservation and charges according to current price conditions
  • Any change to a reservation is charged and paid according to the current price conditions at the time of the change

Passport and Visa Requirements:

  • Visa-free regime for citizens with Bulgarian passports
  • Valid foreign passport or identity card for at least 3 months after the end of the holiday

Travel and Hotel Accommodation:

  • Check-in at the hotels is after 14:00 p.m., and check-out is by 12:00 p.m. at the latest
  • When accommodating three adults in a double room, the third bed is of the "extra" type, usually a sofa bed
  • When accommodating two adults with one or two children, the third and fourth beds are almost always sofa beds. Children enjoy a discount only when staying with two full-paying adults
  • PROMO and ECONOMY rooms in hotels are rooms advertised at a lower price due to some disadvantage compared to standard rooms

Medical Insurance:

  • Medical insurance under the charter programs has a limit of up to 10,000 euros per person
  • Every tourist has the right to insure themselves for a higher amount against an additional payment
  • If you need to use the medical insurance, you must first contact the company serving the insured persons as per the policy

Other Conditions:

  • The tour operator is not responsible for lost, stolen or forgotten luggage during the trip or stay at the relevant hotel
  • Prices of additional field trips in Turkey are determined by the local tour operator
  • If you skip contacting the insurer as required, your insurance will not be applied, and full reimbursement may not occur

🌟 Frequently Asked Questions: Your Fethiye Holiday 🌴

  What is Fethiye known for, and why should I visit? 
Fethiye is a captivating coastal town on Turkey's Turquoise Coast, renowned for its stunning natural beauty, historical sites, and vibrant culture. It offers a perfect blend of beautiful beaches, the famous Blue Lagoon (Ölüdeniz), ancient Lycian ruins, and the picturesque harbor. Whether you're seeking relaxation, adventure, or cultural immersion, Fethiye has something to enchant every traveler.
  What are the best times to visit Fethiye? 
The best times to visit Fethiye are during the shoulder seasons—spring (April-May) and autumn (September-October). These months offer pleasantly warm weather, fewer crowds, and generally more affordable prices. Summer (June-August) is the peak season with hot, sunny weather perfect for beach activities, but expect more tourists.
  What are some must-see attractions in Fethiye? 
Fethiye offers a plethora of must-see attractions. These include the iconic Blue Lagoon (Ölüdeniz), the ancient Lycian rock tombs, the fascinating Kayaköy Ghost Village, the vibrant Fethiye Market, the Saklıkent Gorge, and the Butterfly Valley. Each site offers unique experiences and glimpses into the area's rich history and natural beauty.
  What are the best beaches in Fethiye? 
Fethiye boasts some of Turkey's most stunning beaches. The most famous is the Blue Lagoon (Ölüdeniz), renowned for its turquoise waters and white sand. Other excellent options include Çalış Beach, known for its sunset views, and Butterfly Valley, a secluded beach accessible by boat.
  What kind of activities can I enjoy in Fethiye? 
Fethiye offers a diverse range of activities. You can enjoy paragliding over the Blue Lagoon, boat trips to nearby islands and bays, scuba diving, hiking, exploring the local markets, and visiting historical sites. Water sports are popular, and there are options for more relaxed activities like sunbathing and swimming.
  Is Fethiye a family-friendly destination? 
Yes, Fethiye is a great destination for families. It provides a range of family-friendly accommodations, beaches, and activities. Many boat trips and excursions are suitable for all ages, and the calm waters of Ölüdeniz are ideal for swimming and water play. There are also numerous family-oriented attractions and dining options.
  What are the transportation options in Fethiye? 
Fethiye offers several transportation options. Local buses (dolmuş) are a convenient and affordable way to get around the town and surrounding areas. Taxis are readily available, and car rentals are a good choice for exploring the wider region. Boat taxis are also available for travel to coastal locations and beaches.
  What is the local currency, and are credit cards widely accepted in Fethiye? 
The local currency in Turkey is the Turkish Lira (TRY). Credit cards are widely accepted in larger establishments, hotels, and restaurants. However, it's always good to have some cash on hand, especially when visiting local markets and smaller shops. ATMs are readily available throughout Fethiye.
  What are some local foods and dishes I should try in Fethiye? 
While in Fethiye, be sure to try local Turkish specialties. These include fresh seafood, mezes (appetizers), pide (Turkish flatbread), lahmacun (Turkish pizza), and various kebabs. Local restaurants offer diverse dining experiences, from traditional Turkish cuisine to international options. Don't forget to try the local Turkish delight!
  What are some tips for staying safe and healthy in Fethiye? 
To stay safe and healthy in Fethiye, ensure you stay hydrated, especially during the hot summer months. Use sunscreen and wear appropriate clothing when spending time outdoors. Be aware of your belongings, especially in busy areas, and take caution when crossing roads. It’s recommended to have travel insurance that covers medical expenses.
Fethiye Average Temperatures

Average Monthly Air Temperature in Fethiye, Turkey

January 11°C
February 12°C
March 15°C
April 19°C
May 23°C
June 28°C
July 31°C
August 31°C
September 28°C
October 23°C
November 18°C
December 14°C

Average Monthly Water Temperature in Fethiye, Turkey

January 17°C
February 17°C
March 18°C
April 19°C
May 21°C
June 24°C
July 27°C
August 27°C
September 26°C
October 24°C
November 22°C
December 20°C

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